Please join us to help a foster teen, show kindness to those experiencing homelessness, send love to a child with Down Syndrome, and more through our $10 Giving Gifts.
Help deliver a Bundle of Kindness to individual experiencing homelessness
Bundle of Kindness was created to provide comprehensive care packages to people in Los Angeles who are homeless.
Each and every bundle is personally delivered by Rachael, accompanied by at least one adult. Rachael's mission is to provide basic necessities, while offering human interaction, dignity, love, and kindness to the homeless.
As Ed Asner said, “ No one, nowhere, at no time should go hungry.” I am determined to make a difference. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
Learn More: Bundles of Kindness
Bundles of Kindness was created to provide comprehensive care packages to people in Los Angeles who are homeless. Each and every bundle is personally delivered by Rachael, accompanied by at least one adult. Rachael's mission is to provide basic necessities, while offering human interaction, dignity, love, and kindness to the homeless.
Receive 30% off your next Bleuet Purchase
Note: Giving Gift discount may not be combined with existing discount. Sets and bundles are not eligible for discount.
Plus you will be supporting a teen entrepreneur (100% goes to our teen changemakers)!
Through our Bleuet Entrepreneurship Program, we elevate teen social entrepreneurs by supporting their passion, vision, and mission.