Ways for Teens to Give Back This Holiday Season 2022

It's giving season! As we remember those in need this holiday season (and there is especially a lot of need this year!), we wanted to create a master list of service ideas for your teens and your family.
Let us know in the comments if you have other ideas!
1. Volunteer at a food bank - https://www.feedingamerica.org/take-action/volunteer/holidays
2. Host a basic goods drive of some kind at your school or in your neighborhood - This can be a sock drive, canned goods, toiletries.
3. Throw a care package party - Similar to #2, but have friends over to pack care packages for those experiencing homelessness.
4. Share what you have - Donate gently used items to a shelter near you. In addition to clothes, donate blankets to shelters (homeless or animal) or unused school supplies to schools in need.
5. Purchasing toys for kids in needs - https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/Default.aspx
6. Help your local pet shelter - They might need food donated, help with dog walks, etc.
7. Take presents to seasonal workers - Those who work in hospitals, emergency services, transportation, etc. need to work during the holidays. Bring them a fun surprise like some wrapped cookies.
8. Host a winter coat drive
10. Show some love to residents at a local nursing home - Make holiday cards, visit residents, paint ladies' nails (if allowed) or even gather a group to sing carols.
11. Cool a big meal and deliver to a family in need
12. Fill a backpack for a foster child in need - Search for local foster care organizations or support our Bleuet Girl partner Hailey's Haven
13. Help build a house for someone in need - https://www.habitat.org/
14. Pack a shoebox for a child in need like Operation Christmas Child.
15. Help an elderly or ill neighbor - Bring food over or offer to run errands for them.
16. Make cards for those suffering from cancer - Join our Bleuet Entrepreneur Inaya Premji in making handmade cards for those with cancer through Send A Smile
17. Pay someone's layaway or organize a fundraiser on Facebook to raise funds to help pay a family's layaway expenses - https://www.payaway.org/
18. Purchase a Bleuet Giving Gift from our group of teen entrepreneurs who are helping those in need
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