Copy of Our Why

We believe that all girls deserve more.

More confidence.

More options (especially when it comes to undergarments).

More freedom to do what they love.

More say.

More opportunities.


And we want them to see that they really are more.

More than what they see in the mirror.

More than how much they have.

More than what grades they make.

More than the number on the scale.

More than the number of likes.

Our business exists so they will be more and see more.

One way we will achieve this is by investing in disadvantaged girls and young women to give them opportunities for education and job training. A portion of each product purchase will go towards helping one of these young women take a step closer to her goals.

Because this mission is so integral to our business, we dove right into supporting girls through EmpowHer Institute before we began selling our products. We recently attended the Empowher Institute’s Girls to Greatness Teen Summit, which will give 300 of their Empowher Academy middle school girls exposure to a variety of career opportunities. We sponsored two teen girls to attend the summit to gain access to mentors and life skills training. It’s just one small step towards our goal of empowering all girls.

We also believe in supporting young social entrepreneurs who have started businesses to help others. Besides supporting their mission, we want to encourage and invest in these future girl bosses who will run our world someday. 

By putting our mission first, we want you to know exactly where our giving goes. When you purchase products from us, we want you to know that you’ll be giving another girl more, and you’ll get to be a part of her story.