Girl looking over her shoulder wearing an ultra-soft and seamless Bleuet blue Aster organic tank girls first bra and teen bra in a garden view from back.

Join the Bleuet Affiliate Program


Promote your favorite Bleuet bras and apparel on your website or social media page and get rewarded for all referral sales.


With over 1,000+ 5 Star reviews, our bestselling Bleum bra produces a high conversion rate high above industry standards. This means that our affiliates see more returns on the qualified traffic they send to


If a user comes from your website or social media page to, and then purchases anytime within 30-days, you get commission on the sale(s).

Model wearing a blue Bleuet Aster organic girls teen bra in front of a painted pink wall. View from back.

Parents & Girls Love Bleuet

Our Affiliate Network


Bleuet and Share-a-Sale are committed to advanced affiliate tracking that works best for you. Share-a-sale's capabilities include custom commissions, exclusive codes, and clickless tracking, to allow you to promote Bleuet anywhere online and ensure proper credit for sales. Plus, Share-a-sale provides robust link and offer access with detailed click, sales and commission reporting.

Getting started is easy, first with a free application for the Share-a-Sale and once approved an automatic request is submitted to join our Charlotte’s Web program therein. If you’re already joined, you may apply to our program under ID 113456.

Note: Approval to Share-a-Sale can take up to 5-business days and requires submitting a trafficked website with content; in some cases, your social media profile(s) may be used. You’ll also need to submit a completed W-9 form to Share-a-Sale directly to receive commission checks.


Bleuet is partnered with Skimlinks, which helps you monetize your editorial content automatically with affiliate product links. This is a great option for large content publishers, as they can also generate affiliate links for Bleuet's content.

For the Bleuet team this network does have some limitations in our ability to work directly with you. If you are not running a large content-based website, we would recommend joining our Share-a-Sale program directly.


Do you have questions? Email us at