You are Worthy

You are Worthy

Artwork by @ohhappydani

Now more than ever we need to support each other, listen to each others’ stories and appreciate the unique beauty in one another ❤

From @niplipsbeauty on Instagram:

Our country is truly only a free country if ALL are treated equal. Equality doesn’t mean we act the same, look the same or think the same. In fact, what has made us a strong country is our diversity. Respecting and understanding that fact seems to be missing from our current, very challenging time. It’s tragic. Now more than ever we need to support each other, regardless of race, economic status, political party. The only way we can make it thru this difficult time and come out better on the other side is to stop seeing the world as me vs. them and instead seek common ground, support each other and celebrate what is innately unique in each of us.

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