Race Relations: What Your Family Can Do Right Now

Race Relations: What Your Family Can Do Right Now

We've been struggling to find the right words with all that is going on in our country.  We know that we need to listen, learn, pray, support each other more than ever. We are seeking ways to support our African American brothers and sisters, and here are some ideas if you are looking for some, too. 

From Cool Mom Picks Blog:

-Reach out to Black friends and neighbors and ask them how they are, what you can do to help.

-Follow and read more black voices. Amplify them. (In fact look at your social feeds now. Do most of your follows look like you?)

-Talk to your kids about what’s happening to Black people in America. They know more than you think. If you don’t know where to start...You’ve got this! # 3 and 4 here are packed with helpful links, books + resources for parents: https://coolmompicks.com/…/tips-for-hard-talks-parents-hav…/

-Talk to non-Black friends and family who need to hear more anti-racist perspectives. 

-Spend money at Black-owned businesses.

-Read books by Black authors — fiction, non-fiction, memoir... may we suggest grabbing So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo immediately. https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781580056779

-Donate to orgs doing The Work. 

💫NAACP Legal Defense Fund https://www.naacpldf.org/support/
💫United Negro College Fund https://uncf.org/about
💫Color of Change https://colorofchange.org/about/
💫 ACLU Racial Justice Program https://www.aclu.org/issues/racial-justice
💫Southen Poverty Law Center https://www.splcenter.org/

More Books for Kids:

31 Children's books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance

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