More Hugging. More Listening.

Learning how to parent an emotional tween and teen girl is not easy!
A friend sent over this blog post from today, "What a Middle School Girl Needs Most From Her Mom" by Maryanne Jacobsen, author of My Body's Superpower: The Girls Guide to Growing up Healthy. It's such sound wisdom that I had to share it with you.
Jacobsen outlines a step by step plan on how moms can help their daughters:
1) Work on adding quality time (weekly, intentional time together some that includes doing things that she loves)
2) Be a good listener (More hugging. More listening)
3) Give guidance at the right time (not when they are crying, upset but later when they are calm)
4) Provide limits and supervision (limits re phone, social media, etc."girls need their moms involved in their media world")
5) Encourage her to follow her own path (help her develop a strong sense of self)
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