How to Care for Our Community Right Now

It's a brave, brave new world right now, isn't it?! Hope you are hanging in there, friends. I've been wondering how best to help people in need right now, and I think the above graphic by Conscious Style gives some good ideas. It's certainly weird to think that sitting on the couch in your PJs and watching Netflix all day really IS something that is helping others right now! Here are some others that I've seen: -Can you sew? Make masks! See this from Jo-Ann's Fabric. -Donate blood. -Donate to established organizations who are helping others. -Reach out to an elderly or immuno-compromised neighbor. Drop them a note with your contact info to let them know you are available to help. -Check in on friends virtually or from a distance, especially those who suffer from depression, anxiety or other mental health challenges. -Make cards for residents in a nursing home to cheer them up. -Support essential workers with kind words, donations, coffee, etc. Drop off a meal to someone who is working tirelessly. -Support your local restaurants by ordering take out or gift certificates. Don't forget to tip well if you can! -When grocery shopping, avoid foods with a WIC designation. -Smile and be kind to those you see around you.
Deep breaths for this next week. We can do this! We're in this together.
XO - Liz |
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