Donate SUNCards™ to a non-profit to help at-risk youth.
SUNCards are decks of cards that were developed by Eva Goodrich, and use evidence based strategies like cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, positive psychology, and random acts of kindness to help kids manage their anxiety. They feature lovable monsters who share confidence building positive affirmations, and helpful tasks for redirection.
Learn More: SUNCards
Hi, I’m Eva and I decided to help kids with stress and anxiety by making a deck of cards. Each card says something helpful to get you through a stressful situation, and for every deck we sell, another deck gets donated to a non-profit that helps kids.
My inspiration for SUNCards came from a combination of my own struggles with anxiety that started when I was 8 and a school project when I was 10. The project, called C.H.O.W. (Children Helping Our World), tasked us to create a nonprofit that could actually be led by kids that would improve our world.
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